Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is a thrilling film with lots of action and incredible special effects and we are introduced to lots of the same characters, this film is based on the book from J.K Rowling this film is the sixth instalment from the Harry Potter series.
The film is about Lord Voldemort who has given Draco Malfoy played by Tom Felton a mission to penetrate Hogwarts magic defences. The film contains much more but I think that this might ruin the impact you get when you watch it, I have read the book and I can remember some bits but because I read it a while ago I didn’t remember all of it. I feel as if you do need to have some knowledge of the series of films or the books. I cannot tell you if the film is missing some parts of the book or not but I am going re-read the last two books at least because I think that they are the best two and I have watched the other films to many times so the books would be boring.
An issue I had with the film and this may have only been at my cinema or maybe some other peoples, we were warned at the start of the film that there would be a 15 minute interval around halfway through the film, that was very annoying when it happened because I am a person who really likes to feel part of the film and be engulfed by it, but because of this interval I lost the feel of the film, if this has happened to you please leave a comment saying if you have. I feel that this break was stupid because it was a full cinema so 200 people were in the room and they say the break it so you can go for the toilet and stretch your legs but if 200 people try to go to the toilet at the same time it does not work, my thought was that they do this so you say oh I’ll go get a drink or some snack, another way to ruin a film. The film was 154 minutes and that is about 5 minutes more than Transformers 2 and that did not have a break so how does this extra 5 minutes come to a 15 minute break. This film was again as I said in Transformers 2 it is to long! The book is huge and I can’t wait too see how long the last book is going to be. Overall the film is very good and a better film that Order of the Phoenix because it has more action in it and the actors are better because of their age. The film was full of small children who are supposed to be the first year of Hogwarts but you can see that they are out of place and lost but the director David Yates did an ok job at controlling them. The film has left me waiting for the next film! And it should be a hit for everyone; it is a 12A because there are a few scary scenes but it is not persistent throughout the film. So if you are a Harry Potter fan and you have not already seen it go watch it.
The film is about Lord Voldemort who has given Draco Malfoy played by Tom Felton a mission to penetrate Hogwarts magic defences. The film contains much more but I think that this might ruin the impact you get when you watch it, I have read the book and I can remember some bits but because I read it a while ago I didn’t remember all of it. I feel as if you do need to have some knowledge of the series of films or the books. I cannot tell you if the film is missing some parts of the book or not but I am going re-read the last two books at least because I think that they are the best two and I have watched the other films to many times so the books would be boring.
An issue I had with the film and this may have only been at my cinema or maybe some other peoples, we were warned at the start of the film that there would be a 15 minute interval around halfway through the film, that was very annoying when it happened because I am a person who really likes to feel part of the film and be engulfed by it, but because of this interval I lost the feel of the film, if this has happened to you please leave a comment saying if you have. I feel that this break was stupid because it was a full cinema so 200 people were in the room and they say the break it so you can go for the toilet and stretch your legs but if 200 people try to go to the toilet at the same time it does not work, my thought was that they do this so you say oh I’ll go get a drink or some snack, another way to ruin a film. The film was 154 minutes and that is about 5 minutes more than Transformers 2 and that did not have a break so how does this extra 5 minutes come to a 15 minute break. This film was again as I said in Transformers 2 it is to long! The book is huge and I can’t wait too see how long the last book is going to be. Overall the film is very good and a better film that Order of the Phoenix because it has more action in it and the actors are better because of their age. The film was full of small children who are supposed to be the first year of Hogwarts but you can see that they are out of place and lost but the director David Yates did an ok job at controlling them. The film has left me waiting for the next film! And it should be a hit for everyone; it is a 12A because there are a few scary scenes but it is not persistent throughout the film. So if you are a Harry Potter fan and you have not already seen it go watch it.
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